sex workers – TRANSR Trans Sex Workers Rights are Human Rights Tue, 21 Jan 2020 11:15:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Training Manual Tue, 21 Jan 2020 08:43:01 +0000 Training Manual

This training manual has been developed as part of the TransR project by a consortium of five
organisations in Europe, namely APDES (Portugal), MIT (Italy), Positive Voice – Red Umbrella Athens (Greece), Hetaira
(Spain) and LEFÖ (Austria). LEFÖ designed this training manual in the scope of workpackage 4 (WP4) –
Empowerment and Capacity Building through Skill Building Workshops and Trainings.

The structure and content were elaborated based on previous research taking place in this project:
mapping, literature review, and existing training materials. Apart, a broad needs assessment carried out
in each of the consortium’s countries helped to identify specific needs of trans sex workers in their local
contexts. An analysis of this needs increased the knowledge as well as understanding on the main issues
concerning trans sex workers realities.

This manual provides step-by-step guidance to trainers implementing trainings for professionals working
with trans sex workers. The Training Manual includes:

  •  Information on each module
  •  PPP for each module
  •  Guidelines for trainers
  • Handouts and materials (e.g.: case studies)
  • Additional literature
  • Evaluation procedure

For an easy and convenient handling, the training manual is devided into two parts.
The first part provides an introduction for the trainer, namely: how and why the training course was
developed; how to prepare for the training; how to implement the training and details on the evaluation.
The second part provides a description of the training modules including an overview of each module;
instructions on how to use the module and aims and learning objectives of the module.

The TransR Training manual is available in English here.
