The TransR Facebook Campaign, named “Trans Sex Workers Voices”, aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of trans sex workers. Since February on weekly basis, true stories of trans sex workers are published on the official TransR facebook page in their native language and in English. The participants gave their consent to publish their opinions and their experiences related to sex work and living as a trans person. Their anonymity has been ensured.

#TransSexWorkersVoices ☂️☂️ ☂️

S. living in Portugal, 25 years old said:

I wish there wasn’t prejudice against transsexuals and that we all had a job. I’ve been subjected to transphobia, not only by people in the street, but also by my friends. I wish people were more open-minded and didn’t judge others.
It’s a normal way to make money. I only feel bad because it’s a sad life.
Que as pessoas não tenham tanto preconceito por nós transsexuais e que haja trabalho para todas. Já tive problemas com transfobia, por parte de amigos, pessoas na rua. Gostava que as pessoas tivessem mais mentalidade e não fossem tão preconceituosas.
Para mim é uma coisa normal para ganhar dinheiro. Eu me sinto mal porque é uma vida triste.

Follow us on Facebook to read our news and more personal stories of trans sex workers living in Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain and Austria.