APDES | Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento Arcozelo, Vila Nova de Gaia – Portugal T. 962 301 076/ 927 952 067 | portog@apdes.pt | http://www.apdes.pt/en/apdes/about-us.html

LEFÖ/TAMPEP Austria | Support and European Network for Migrant Sex Workers | Kettenbrückengasse 15/II/4 1050 Wien, Austria | tel: +43.1.581 18 81 | fax: +43.1.5811881-14 mail: tampep@lefoe.at | web: www.lefoe.at | www.tampep.eu
Greek Association of People Living with HIV “Positive Voice”- Red Umbrella Athens Ag. Anargiron str 13, Athens, P.C. 10554, Greece | Tel.: +30 210 86 27 572 | www.positivevoice.gr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedUmbrellaAthens

MIT Movimento Identità Trans | Associazione Onlus | Via Polese 22, 40122 Bologna – Italia Tel/Fax: +39 051 271666 | www.mit-italia.it
Colectivo Hetaira | e-mail: hetaira@colectivohetaira.org | web: www.colectivohetaira.org Facebook: colectivohetaira | Twitter: c_hetaira | tel: +34 91 52 32 678