The TransR project suggests concerted actions that focus on TSW but also on the circumstances and key-actors that prevent TSW from improving their physical and psychological health. Hence, this project aims to:
• Increase informed and effective interventions for TSW;
• Favour a more respectful environment for trans people in general and TSW in particular;
• Improve TSW access to healthcare, legal and social support;
• Encourage TSW empowerment and participation;
• Improve skills among professionals and stakeholders who play a crucial role in TSW lives;

Project Partners

APDES Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento – is a non-profit NGDO (Non-governmental Development Organisation) highly committed in promoting the human rights of vulnerable groups focusing its actions in ensuring access to health, employment and education for all, and is responsible for the overall coordination of this project.
Positive Voice is the Greek organization of people living with HIV conducting various intereventions in Athens and Thessaloniki since 2009. It has an independent team implementing services and various interventions for sex workers, called the Red Umbrella Athens.

LEFÖ is an association by and for migrant women founded in 1985 by Latin American women living in exile in Austria.Ö.html
MIT is an NGO addressing the defense and the protection of the rights of transexual and transgender people for the last 20 years located in Bologna, Italy.

Collectivo Hetaira was founded in 1995 by sex workers and activists aiming to advocate for their rights, tackle stigma and violence.